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YA Books Lists
The Libraries
Benton Harbor Public Library

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” ~Charles W. Eliot

Not everyone wants to get involved in the same way.
Here are some options to consider...
The YA Book Drive 4 Rural Libraries is now closed. If you are still interested in helping libraries please consider purchasing books for your local library.

Donate a Used Book

Do you or your children have used hardcover or paperback YA books just sitting around? Why not gather up those books that have been read so many times you know them front to back and box them up and share them with some teens in the New York Southern Tier?

Please note that books that contain excessive writing, underlining or highlighting will not be included in the libraries’ collections. We will accept books that are well read, do not worry about small stains or dog-eared pages. Books that are unable to be placed in a collection will be handed out free of charge to local teens. Please do not be afraid to send a book because of condition, we will be sorting all donations and every book will be placed in the hand of a teenager.


Libraries that wish to donate their young adult books that have been weeded from their collections are welcome to do so. We are looking for books that have been published recently and that are older.

Buy Used or New Books from the Wish List

Amazon Wish List

If you do not have used books or would rather purchase a book we have created an Amazon Wish List for you to select from. On this list you will find a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction that would benefit any library. If for some reason a book you believe should be on the library's shelf is not on the list feel free to purchase the book or let us know what should be added. There are books for every way of life as it is the duty of a library to provide for every member of their community. Here at the YA Book Drive we do not believe in censorship at any level.
There is also a wish list on Alibris where you can purchase used books for as low as $2.95 a copy. Please check out the Alibris wish list, it is not as large as the one on Amazon but has some great choices.


making a difference to a teen...